Tuesday, April 19, 2005

24 Girls in 7 Days

by Alex Bradley

~Jack Grammar, average American senior, has no date to the prom. Or so he thinks. Percy and Natalie, Jack's so-called best friends, post an ad in the classified section of the online version of the school newspaper. They figure it couldn't hurt. After all, there's not much in this world sadder than Jack's love life. Soon Percy and Natalie have assembled a list of girls eager to go to the prom with Jack, including one mysterious girl known only as FancyPants. He has just seven days to meet and date them before he will ask one special girl to the prom. ~

Charming, witty, entertaining. I was impressed with the author's ability to describe each girl in a way that they seemed like actual people with distinct personalities. Moreover, the girls were actually described as being attractive because of certain aspects of their personalities or certain talents they had, not because they were perfect physical specimens.

24 Girls manages to deliver both entertainment and wisdom without being ridiculous or didactic. Yes, you can survive humiliating ordeals and even learn a few things from them. When Jack learns to stop seeing every opportunity as a risk, everything begins to fall into place.

A fun, satisfying read.


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